These hatching eggs from my flock of F4-F5 hybrid Ayam Cemani. I have been working on this hybrid for several years, and after several generations of selective breeding I've produced birds that are abundant layers of blue eggs while maintaining the striking appearance of an Ayam Cemani. You can expect the majority of chicks to hatch black or blue feathered, with a chance at also hatching rare recessive white chicks. Chicks have been hatching with consistently dark skin (fibromelanosis), but there may be some slight variation as is with all Fibro breeds. Females from this pairing will lay beautiful blue eggs that are better in both size and frequency than Ayam Cemani hens, and males will be fibro carriers for the blue egg-laying gene.
Blue Egger Ayam Cemani Hybrid Hatching Eggs
Hatching eggs can be shipped via two methods: USPS Priority Mail or FedEx 2-day. Please select and pay according to your preference at checkout. Eggs will be packed in quality egg-shipping foam and boxes will be clearly marked with fragile stickers on all sides. We are happy to offer free, combined shipping for orders over $150!